March 24, 2022

Top 6 Reasons Why Women Should Take Up Fishing In Goa

Men have always gone fishing, but no one ever talks about women going fishing. We don’t see many ladies fishing. Is it because we’ve been taught that fishing is only for men? Is it because it is perceived as such a tough activity that women are unable to participate? However, times are changing, and just as fishing is a man’s sport, it is also a woman’s sport. On the contrary, it has a variety of advantages that women can take advantage of.

Here are a few advantages for women to begin fishing: 

1) Beat the stress

fishing beat the stress in women


Fishing involves nature, quietness, water, and a general lack of tension, regardless of how many fish you catch. It’s the ideal method to unwind after a stressful day at home, at work, or with the daily chores you have to perform. It is critical for each of us to set aside time for ourselves. It restores clarity, and you’re ready to take on new difficulties for the day. A nice dose of mother nature might help you get back into the swing of things.

2) Eating Healthy

women fishing in Goa

Fresh is always best, and what better way to enjoy it than with the freshest dinner you’ve ever caught? Fish is one of the healthiest foods you can consume. It’s high in essential nutrients including protein and vitamin D. Fish is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the health of your body and brain. Fish consumption has been related to a lower incidence of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. However, pregnant women should avoid eating seafood such as tuna and salmon since they contain high levels of mercury.

3) Stepping outside of your comfort zone

Fishing might be frightening for beginners because it is a difficult task in and of itself, but there is no better feeling than catching a fish on your line. Catching a fish is a powerful thrill for female anglers. Fishing and boating provide opportunities for girls and young women to master new skills and gain confidence in outdoor sports environments.

4) Spending time with family and friends

fishing in Goa with friends

Going fishing with your family and friends is the best way to connect with them. Instead of a girls’ night out, plan a girls’ fishing trip. Friendships are formed while fishing. When women spend time on the water together, they develop an unbreakable bond of friendship. People develop trust and mutual respect as a result of this knowledge exchange. The shared feelings of catching or not catching a fish can help to establish empathy in a friendship. Even something as simple as spending time in a unique environment leaves a lasting impression.

5) Reversing Gender Stereotypes

It’s past time to challenge the idea that only men are permitted to go fishing, while women are expected to prepare the fish that is caught. It’s so ingrained that even the word “fisherman” contains only man. What about anglers who are female? More motivating role models for girls and women are needed. This implies that more girls and women need to be seen operating boats, tying knots, catching fish, and teaching novice anglers.

6) Teaches you patience and concentration

women fishing in Goa

Fishing is an excellent approach to boost your mental well-being. It has amazing benefits such as teaching patience and concentration. Because there is already so much information in our heads, it is difficult for them to sort out what is significant. To focus on one item for an extended period of time. Fishing offers a meditative and mindful effect. Mindfulness can assist you in improving your daily tasks. It even aids in the development of your brain.

What are you waiting for? If you are a woman reading this then it’s time to get your tackle box with the best fishing equipment in Goa and set out with your girls and start challenging and changing times. If you are a man reading this, head over to the best fishing store in Goa, Casa Ibrahim would be top in our recommendations and gift your girlfriends something different.

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